Safeguarding Good Practice Guidelines
January 2025

These notes are for managers, assistants, coaches and anyone who is involved with any child under the age of 18 connected with The Sheffield And Hallamshire Women And Girls League.

  1. Never be alone with a team member, always ensure another adult or child is present at all times.
  2. Do not carry team members in your car alone. Ensure someone else is with you (Can be useful to also check your insurance if carrying players!)
  3. Only use the family phone number to contact players. Do not have player's mobile numbers in your phone memory.
  4. If you use email to contact players use the family email address NOT the players private email address.
  5. Be aware of the language you use with players. Ensure it is age appropriate! Never swear in front of players or at them.
  6. Don't invite players to your home unless accompanied by their parents.
  7. Never take part in rough, physical or provocative games including horseplay!
  8. Do not do any act of a personal nature that a player can do for themselves.
  9. Be aware of the ages and stages of development of your players.
  10. Be alert to signs of abuse in your players. Note any changes in behaviour, appearance or attitude which you feel are unusual for that player and report them to your club Welfare Officer immediately.
  11. All allegation of racism must be reported to your club Welfare Officer and the League Welfare Officer who will report the incident to the Welfare Officer at County FA for investigation.
  12. Any allegation of bullying must be reported to your club Welfare Officer and the League Welfare Officer who will report the incident to the Welfare Officer at County FA for investigation.
  13. Ensure all allegations of abuse, in any form, are reported to your club Welfare Officer immediately.

You are in a position of trust and must uphold a level of maturity and distance from all players

If you have any questions about these guidelines please contact:

Julie Higgins, League Welfare Officer: 07780 975460

Lisa Glaves, Sheffield and Hallamshire FA Welfare Officer:

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The Sheffield And Hallamshire Women And Girls League 2003 - 2025 | Privacy Policy
Sheffield and Hallamshire County FA Charter Standard League of the Year 2013, 2017
